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 题目: sunnycloudyrainysnowy

 一、 活动目标

 1 、 知道 how is the weather ?是对天气的提问

 2、 把四个单词与四种天气分别对号入座,并且严格区分。

 二、 活动准备

 1、 代表这四种天气的卡片

 2 、 歌曲 how is the weather?

 三、 导入

 “小朋友们看看窗外,然后告诉我 how is the weather? 今天天气怎 样? ”“晴天(例如) ”

 四、 呈现 在幼儿回答完毕之后呈现晴天的图片,并且大声读出来 “晴天 sunny sunny sunny ”重复几遍之后,集体读出单词,然后再找个 别小朋友认读。之笏?蛱嵛省扒缣煊糜(15)镌趺此担 ?sunny是什么意 思?”

 能够把晴天和 sunny 联系起来之后,再次提问 “乌云把太阳遮住的 天气叫什么天? ”,回答正确之后出示阴天的图片,然后同上反复进 行练习。

 “你们还知道什么天气? ”然后呈现雨天卡片和雪天的卡片。进行反 复训练。



 四个单词能区分开以后,复习一遍,然后玩一个小游戏 i point you say and they jump( 四个孩子分别拿着四个天气卡片 我站在孩子们 身后 悄悄指其中的一位 小朋友们看到后 大声说出对应天气 然后手 拿图片的小朋友听到其他小朋友叫自己的时候就跳一下 )

 五、 延伸 把每个单词对应的动作说一遍,然后做一个 how is the weather ? 的小律动,对 4 种天气现象加深印象。


 ★ 幼儿公开课模版 ★公开课前教师要提前 20---30 分钟到教室, 和学生做一下简单的沟通。教师可以问:你叫什么呀?在哪上学? 以前有没有学过英语?喜欢干什么啊?是嘛,太棒了 *** 老师也喜欢 这个 提前混个脸熟 .消除陌生感。

 part1- class routine : greetings

 课堂内容: t : it ' s timefor our class. hello, baby! stand up! attention!one two! when i say attention! you should say one two! ok? ok!

 t: attention!

 ss:one two!

 ( 我们运用全英教学,让孩子们养成用英文思维的习惯,注意老师在 说这些话时要用眼神和动作来引导孩子!老师说 attention , 引导孩 子说 onetwo. 注意:这一环节要操练两到三次 ,让孩子养成惯性。第 一遍老师要带小朋友读 one two!)

 t:great! you are super stars, right? when i say super star! you

 should say ” go go go ”.

 t:super star!

 ss:go go go!

 ( 让小朋友说 go go go 的时候跳起来 !)

 t: yes, wonderful!praise: wonderful, yeah! yeah! yeah!

 [practice: fasterand faster] ( 最后一个 yeah 要跳起来! )

 t: sit downplease!

 t: hello, baby! i am ***. follow me.( 老师领读自己的名字,注意及

 时奖励.这一环节老师要用眼神和动作引导孩子们说 hello ** .)

 ss : ** t: ok! one more time.

 t: good! ** , **, **,i 'm **. i 'm ?

 ss: **.

 t: hello, baby! ss: hello, **!

 t: ** will sing a song for you. lalalalala(13531).

 look at me, chua chua chua.

 t: hello, baby. i ' m a little pig. let ' s sing little pigs

 t: little pigs oink oink oink?( 老师每次在唱歌之前都要唱 (13531)

 老师说 look at me, 引导孩子们说 chua chua chua. 习惯的养成 . 教 师出示小猪手偶 ,要求生动有趣诙谐 . 然后领唱《 little pigs 》老师在 展示时一定要注意与孩子眼神的交流 ,并且要富有童趣 ,动作一定要可 爱 )

 t: now,stand up please,show me your hands follow me. ( 在教孩

 子做时动作要慢一些 )

 s: learn to sing. ( 老师带着小朋友作分解动作连起来作两遍 ,第一遍 速度要慢 ,第二遍正常速度 .老师要带着小朋友一起快速的 ) t: praise: wonderful,yeah! yeah! yeah!

 t: now stand upand face to face. let ' s sing it again!

 t: wonderful!let 's sing it quickly!part2 - fresh english

 t: do you still remember how to sayhello to *** hello baby! ss: hello,***!

 now, show me your hands! (挥手) let ' s see who is the best one! “ hello baby! ” “!h”ello

 (老师一定要先和小朋友打招呼,老师可以跳起来和小朋友打招呼 , 比

 比谁跳的高 ,来活跃气氛。


 ss: (do gestures) hello, ***!

 t: so good, a sticker for you. hello, baby! 注意及时奖励 ss: (do gestures)

 t sings: jessie will sing a song for you.

 hello baby hello baby hello hello hello. hello jessie hello jessie hellohello hello.

 (注意老师唱歌是与孩子眼神的交流 )

 t:ok now show me your hands and let ' s sing it together.

 ss: hello, ****!

 t: pretty good. let ' s sing it aing.a

 ss: (sing it.)

 t: well done. now, look! (show the card or the picture of a family to th e student)

 (关于家庭的照片老师可以从网上下载爸爸妈妈宝宝的照片 , 也可以下



 t points the baby and say: look! a baby! and this is ?

 ss: mummy.

 t: yes, mummy. great! follow me do it like this.

 t: mummy,mummy,mummy.[game: i say u do]

 ss: mummy,mummy,mummy (do the action)

 t: and that is ?(daddy)

 t: daddy, daddy, daddy. [game: i say u do] ss: daddy, daddy, daddy. (do the action) t: ok, i do you say.

 t: praise: wonderful! yeah! yeah! yeah! t: ***will sing a song for you (13531) t: [ 带妈妈的头饰 ] hello baby! ss: hello mummy!

 t: [ 让一个小男孩带头饰和胡子 ] say hello baby!

 ss: hello daddy!

 t shows the pictures of daddy or mummy, let ss practice hello daddy andmummy!

 t: wonderful! yeah! yeah! yeah! part3-fairy tale t: one two three ss: four! 孩子们课堂常规的养成

 t: look at me! chua chua chua!

 老师放蛋糕 ,苹果 ,香蕉等食物在讲台上,并将老鼠和猫的手偶准备好! 老师演示:一只老鼠鬼鬼祟祟的出来找食物,然后发现了那块蛋糕, 马上上去吃,发出吵闹的声音。这时猫发现了,大叫一声。

 cat :meow!mouse: cat! run! run! run! 利用手偶进行 funny phonics t: meow meow cat (fellow me) t: 带老鼠的头饰 mouse s: 带上猫的头饰 cat cat: meow! mouse: run!run!run!

 ss: cat - meow! mouse: run! run! run! ( 请不同的小朋友扮演猫 输入 run run run) run funny phonics game : wood man

 game : role play 1s: cat ‘ meow!' t ss: mice “ cat! run! run! run! ”

 ss: mouse “ cat! run! run! run! ”

 t: look, i have a big hammer, you are cat. cat cat cat. 老师那气锤

 把小朋友从中间分开 ,cat ss1:cat cat cat.

 t:you are mouse. mouse mouse mouse. ss2:mouse mouse mouse.

 ss1: meow!

 ss2: cat run run run. 操练两到三遍 t: praise! wonderful wonderful yeah yeah yeah. t: now exchanged. you are cat! cat cat cat. ss2: cat cat cat.

 t: you are mouse! mouse mouse mouse.

 ss1: mouse mouse mouse.

 ss1: meow!

 ss2: cat! run run run!

 t: greet! clap your hands.

 t: now who wants to be the cat/ mouse?

 s1: meow! s2: cat, run run run! ( 老师请两到三组小朋友自己上讲

 台拿着手偶表演 )

 ending : t: wonderful! yeah! yeah! yeah!

 let ' s sing a song “walking walking walkingwalking run run run,run run run! meow meow meow run run run! ”


 ss: one two! part4-closuret: ok, well done.

推荐访问:英语教案模板 例文 幼儿 模板
